Minority Report Wiki
Agatha Lively
Agatha Lively TV Series
Status: Alive
Nationality: Flag of the United States American
Mother: Anne Lively
Sibling(s): Adoptive brothers:
Dashiell Lively
Arthur Lively
Played by: Film:
Samantha Morton
Laura Regan
Films: MR
Seasons: 1
First film: film
Last film: Minority Report
Appears in: 1 film, 1 series

Agatha Lively is a Precog and the daughter of Anne Lively, a former drug addict who reformed her life and sought to reclaim her daughter only to be murdered by Lamar Burgess. Five years after her mother's death, Agatha's memories of the murder would resurface, setting in motion a chain of events that would lead to the downfall of PreCrime.


Years before PreCrime was founded, Agatha was born to a woman named Anne Lively, who was addicted to the drug neuroin. As a consequence of this behavior and unable to raise Agatha in such conditions, Anne was forced to give up her daughter. However, Anne had changed her life around and given up the drug addiction with the intention of getting back her daughter into her life. Up until then, Agatha and the twins Arthur and Dash were patients at the Woodhaven Clinic in Rhode Island where their psychic gifts were discovered by Dr. Iris Hineman and then-district attorney Lamar Burgess to have predicted future murders. Seeing an opportunity to stop the bloodshed that was ripping the nation apart, Burgess and Hineman worked together to found the PreCrime initiative. Under this new program, the PreCogs would have their psychic abilities used to predict and prevent murders from taking place.

In 2049, one year after the PreCrime experiment began, Agatha's mother begged for Burgess to give her daughter back to her. Of the three PreCogs, Agatha was the strongest and most talented in her gifts and the PreCogs depended on each other as a hive mind to focus their powers together. Burgess realized that losing Agatha would lead to PreCrime being shut down. Unwilling to face such a prospect, the head of PreCrime arranged to have Agatha's mother murdered, using the very system he created to cover up his acts. It is very likely that, at the moment of Anne Lively's actualy murder taking place, Agatha saw it happening and yet the technician had erroneously disregarded it as an "echo" as he was trained to do. Anne Lively's death was covered up to look like she was merely missing and Agatha's prevision, which was in truth stored within Agatha herself, was missing from her data file in Containment.

For the next five years, Agatha and her adoptive brothers were confined to PreCrime and used as tools to achieve a greater good in a society that was wracked with crime, to be watched over by their caretaker Wally. Because Agatha was the most talented of the three PreCogs, her psychic abilities allowed her to predict alternate futures for certain individuals who were said to commit murders. These alternate visions, dubbed "minority reports", were deleted from all official records but stored safely inside Agatha's mind according to Dr. Hineman's designs for the system in order to ensure that the PreCrime program's credibility would remain unblemished. The reason for this was because any doubt, however reasonable it might seem, would lead to the dismantling of the system was created to keep people safe from murder.

Minority Report[]

In 2054, while conducting a tour of the PreCrime facility for Federal Agent Danny Witwer, PreCrime Chief John Anderton was surprised to see Agatha reveal a vision of the murder of Anne Lively from years before. Agatha's words to John were, "Can you see?", which prompted John to look into the death of Lively, asking Lamar for clarity and wisdom. Burgess feared that his actions from the past would be discovered and so arranged to have the Chief of PreCrime framed for the murder of an unknown person named Leo Crow. The chain of events that ensued led Anderton to go on the run and seek out Dr. Hineman for help in his ordeal. After learning about the existence of the minority reports and how they were secretly stored inside Agatha's mind, Anderton was instructed to return to PreCrime and download the information from Agatha to find any minority reports about his murder so he could prove his innocence.

After swapping out his eyes on the balck market to safely infiltrate PreCrime Headquarters, Anderton got into the Temple where the PreCogs were nestled and strongarmed Wally into helping him download the information from Agatha. Before the former PreCrime chief could go any further, Witwer had deduced Anderton's presence inside PreCrime based on having seen Agatha in the same place and time as the murder and moved to apprehend him. However, Anderton escaped from the facility with Agatha in his arms, thus depriving the PreCogs of their ability to predict murders and forcing PreCrime to redouble their efforts to stop Leo Crow's murder. Anderton took Agatha to a cyber parlor within a shopping mall to seek out Rufus T. Riley, a computer expert who could help download any information from Agatha's mind. Agatha's mind replayed the entire prediction of Leo Crow's murder, but found no alternate future that would exonerate Anderton. Instead, she replayed the images of Anne Lively's murder in front of John in reverse order which would have left to revealing the identity of her mother's killer. Unfortunately, PreCrime officers had discerned Anderton's location and arrived at the mall to arrest him. Anderton and Agatha made their way through the shopping center using her predictive abilities to avoid detection and escape out into the streets.


Anderton and Agatha entered the hotel room where Leo Crow was staying and made their way to the room where the future victim was said to be, with Agatha begging the former police chief to turn back while he still could. Upon discovering photos of his son Sean with Crow on the bed, Anderton finally accepted that he had no minority report and was destined to kill him with the prospect of avenging the loss of his son being finally realized. Even while Agatha implored him to leave the scene saying that he saw his future and thus could still choose a different one if he wanted, Crow appeared. Anderton, provoked into rage over losing his son, physically assaulted Crow and forced a confession out of him that claimed he murdered his son. With seconds remaining in the countdown to the murder, Anderton aimed his gun at Crow and Agatha could only watch and say that he could choose. Ultimately, John chose to spare Crow's life and arrest him, thus avoiding the future he was predicted to fulfill and calming Agatha considerably. Crow revealed that Anderton needed to kill him in order for his family to be well paid. Realizing that he had indeed been set up, Anderton demanded to know who it was that arranged for the murder to take place. But, Crow killed himself by forcing John's gun on him, thus fulfilling the murder and marking John for trouble.

After dropping his gun behind, Anderton brought Agatha to his old family cottage and introduced her to his divorced wife, Lara. While perusing through the cottage, Agatha came upon Sean's old bedroom and sat down while John realized that his ordeal was brought about his investigation into Anne Lively's murder. He and Lara went to speak with Agatha, who closed her eyes and saw visions of an alternate future where Sean had remained with his parents and grew up to make them proud. She then revealed that Anne Lively was her mother before screaming for John to run. By then, it was too late as the PreCrime officers had arrived en masse at the cottage and surrounded John. With no way of escape, neither John nor Lara nor Agatha could do anything more as the officers arrested John for the murders of both Crow and Danny Witwer (although they were unaware that John was innocent on both counts). Agatha was returned to the Temple to be with her brothers, enabling the PreCrime system to be brought back online.

Downfall of PreCrime[]

On the eve of PreCrime's nationalization, Lara had discovered information that involved Lamar as the chief architect behind the PreCrime conspiracy and helped release John from his imprisonment. During the nationalization, Agatha began displaying images once more of her mother's murder, which the PreCrime analyst Jad uploaded to prominent screens throughout the facility and at a dinner honoring Burgess. The images at long last revealed the truth behind Anne Lively's murder: that it was Lamar Burgess who had killed her to ensure PreCrime's existence. With his deeds exposed, Burgess set out to kill Anderton, which Agatha predicted. Ultimately, Burgess chose to commit suicide rather than go through with the murder. This action exposed the truth about the existence of the minority reports and irrevocably tarnished PreCrime's reputation as a perfect system.

A New Life[]

After the Precrime Program was terminated, Agatha Lively and her twin brothers Arthur and Dash, were sent to Fiddler's Neck. Their records were erased and they had to promise to not intervene in the future.

After Dash begins his quest to stop murders before they happen, Agatha attempts to persuade Dash to return home, as Dash was violating their agreement. However, Dash acknowledges the dangers he is facing, and ends the call.

Behind the Scenes[]

Agatha Lively was portrayed by Samantha Morton in the film and by Laura Regan in the TV series.

