Minority Report Wiki
Sean Anderton
Name: Sean Anderton
Status: Missing
Age: 10 (Last Seen)
Birthplace: Washington D.C.
Date of death: N/A
Nationality: Flag of the United States American
Sibling(s): None
Played by: Film:
Films: Minority Report
First film: Minority Report
Last film: Minority Report
Appears in: 1 film

Sean Anderton was the son of John and Lara Anderton.


Sean Anderton was born in 2038 to John and Lara. Sean's childhood was a loving and warm environment provided for by his parents and his father taught him how to run when his other schoolmates proved to be faster than him.

One day, while swimming at a public pool in Baltimore, John and Sean held a contest to see who could hold their breath underwater the longest. When it was John's turn, he dove underwater while Sean kept track of the time. John came up to the surface to notice that Sean was missing. He searched around, asking if anybody had seen his son. The increasing panic led to John screaming out his son's name.

Despite the efforts of both the police and the FBI investigation, the only evidence that turned up was one of Sean's sandals. Devastated by their loss, John and Lara divorced when they were unable to cope with their son's disappearance. Having John around Lara reminded her too much of their son that she left him. Afterwards, John went to work for PreCrime to ensure that no one else would have to lose their children as he did. Lamar Burgess believed that if PreCrime had been in existence just six months earlier, John and Lara would never have lost their son in the first place.

Lamar would later use Sean's disappearance to frame John for the murder of Leo Crow, knowing full well that such a traumatic memory would drive John to commit a drastic action. Later, John found out that his son had not actually been murdered by Leo Crow but was only missing. At the end of the film, John and Lara remarried and decided to have another child, fully accepting that their son was gone and allowing them to move on in peace.
